Master Works Series

masterworksTranslation isn’t always limited to being between one language and another. You can also translate between one art form and another. The Master Works Series endeavors to explore translating the works of painters, sculptors, and artists of other physical media, into works for the stage.

Commedia Beauregard features the work of a major figure from the world of art, or teams up with a local museum, to take six works of art from their collection of works and translate them into short plays.

Masterworks: The Louvre It or Leave It Plays, produced by Commedia Beauregard.Fulfilling the mission of Commedia Beauregard to translate not only from language to language, but from one art form to another, six playwrights then each write a 15-minute play that tells the story of, or behind, one of the selected paintings.  Six directors then take on those plays and bring them to life on stage!

Since 2009, Commedia Beauregard has produced 27 new plays as part of the Master Works Series.  The works of 17 different artist have been treated to translations by our award-winning playwrights.  Six more new plays are soon to come forth, as one more artist is added to the roster: Vincent Van Gogh.

remb-2010Each production of Master Works awards two prizes: “Best Translation” and “Audience Favorite”.  Audience members fill out a survey at the festival and award are given solely according to their votes.  Winners are added to Commedia Beauregard’s trophy plaques which are displayed proudly in the lobby at each production.

Production History

  • Van Gogh (Chicago) – 2013
  • Museum of Bad Art (Chicago) – 2011
  • Museum Louvre It Or Leave It (Minneapolis) – 2010
  • Rembrandt (Minneapolis) – 2010
  • Goya (Minneapolis) – 2009
  • Museum of Bad Art (Minneapolis) – 2009