Meet the KCC Bloggers!


Each year, Commedia Beauregard’s production of Klingon Christmas Carol has two cast members blog about their experience and give sneak peeks into the making of this epic fan favorite. Here’s a little bit of information about this year’s bloggers, returning cast member Timothy Sullivan and new cast member Caity-Shea Violette.

Hi, there! My name is Caity-Shea Violette, and in addition to playing the roles of marDa, Warrior 2 and Boy in Klingon Christmas Carol, I’ll be one of your KCC bloggers this year! I’ll be posting behind-the-scenes pictures, as well as individual Caity-Shea Violetteexperiences and whimsical stories from the KCC cast/creative team (who, in only two rehearsals, have thoroughly impressed and intimidated me with their encyclopedic knowledge of all things fandom). I’ll be blogging weekly, so be sure to check back for undoubtedly awkward (but hopefully charming) anecdotes as I fearlessly proceed into the final frontier. For more info on my background, feel free to visit

Hey there! My name is Timothy Sullivan. This is my second year as part of the cast of Klingon Christmas Carol. This year I will be playing the roles of Kahless Past and Seller. I will be your other KCC blogger
this year with a post every Saturday if all goes well. Like Caity-Shea, ITimothy Sullivan
will be doing my best to entertain you with tales of our cast’s adventures, photos, and maybe a few interviews with KCC members. I will also include a photo of my beard growing progress with every post
as prepare to haunt the stage for a good cause in December. For more
information about my background, please visit

Check here for weekly updates from these two, and click here to buy your tickets in advance. This is Klingon Christmas Carol’s FINAL YEAR in Chicago, so make sure to get your tickets before they’re gone!